Publications Scientific articles published by members of ReMicS network NEIL3-deficiency increases gut permeability and contributes to a pro-atherogenic metabolic phenotype Uptake of circulating extracellular vesicles from rectal cancer patients and differential responses by human monocyte cultures Gut microbiota depletion exacerbates cholestatic liver injury via loss of FXR signalling Altered Gut Microbial Metabolism of Essential Nutrients in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Altered Gut Microbial Metabolism of Essential Nutrients in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis The CRCbiome study: a large prospective cohort study examining the role of lifestyle and the gut microbiome in colorectal cancer screening participants Swarm v3: towards tera-scale amplicon clustering Comprehensive assessment of ECM turnover using serum biomarkers establishes PBC as a high-turnover autoimmune liver disease Impact of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Related Gut Microbiota Alterations on Metabolic Comorbid Conditions Low fibre intake is associated with gut microbiota alterations in chronic heart failure « Newer Older »