ReMics Network Meeting, May 2022
Jon Amund Kyte and his Ph.D student Andreas Ullern presented their project MITRIC- Microbiota transplant to cancer patients who have failed immunotherapy using faeces from clinical responders. We were finally able to invite network members to an in-person meeting, and below is the recording from the Zoom version.
ReMicS Network Meeting, May 2021
Guest lecturer Marit Zinöcker presented her talk “The HADL model and the role of gut-induced inflammation in lipid homeostasis” . Please find related publication below.
ReMicS Network Meeting, April 2021
Professor Knut Rudi presented his talk “Mother to child transmission of gut bacteria”. Please find background material for the talk below.
ReMicS Network Meeting, March 2021
Johannes Hov and Peter Holger Johnsen updated us on the latest developments regarding the Strategic research area and the establishment of a donor biobank at OUH. Please click the link below to view their talk “Strategic research area for personalized microbiota therapy and a donor biobank for fecal microbiota transplantation at Oslo University Hospital”.
ReMicS Network Meeting February, 2021
For our February meeting, Dr. Tuula Nyman presented the newly established proteomics network NAPI (National network for Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure). NAPI connects mass spectrometry-based proteomics in Norway, including University of Tromsø, NTNU, University of Bergen, University of Oslo and NMBU. Please read more on their webpage here
ReMicS Network Meeting October, 2020
For our October meeting, Heidi Cecilie Villmones (MD) presented her work “The Small Intestine Microbiota”.
Heidi Cecilie Villmones is a PhD-candidate at the University of Bergen, Department of Clinical Sciences. She is a senior consultant in microbiology at Vestfold Hospital Trust. Villmones is on the board of NORM (Norwegian Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Drug Resistance) and also chairman of the Norwegian reference group of bacteriology and mycology (Norwegian Health Institute).
Links to articles presented:
ReMicS Network Meeting 22 September, 2020
For our September network meeting, Beate Vestad presented her project “Gut Microbiota, Extracellular Vesicles and Comorbidities in HIV Infection”.
Beate Vestad (MSc) currently works as a PhD student in Marius Trøseid’s group Clinical Microbiology and Microbiota Medicine, and is scheduled to defend her thesis towards the end of October, 2020. Prior to her PhD work, Beate has done research within cellular immunology and intercellular communication, with focus on extracellular vesicles. In her PhD project, the main aim has been to investigate the role of gut microbiota and comorbidities in HIV infection, and to explore extracellular vesicles as potential mediators of microbe-host crosstalk in the development of cardiometabolic risk in the context of chronic inflammation.
ReMicS Network Meeting June, 2020
For our network meeting June 16, 2020, Associate Professor Anne-Marie Aas presented the Fiberdia study. The Fiberdia study is a double blind crossover trial that aims to investigate the effect of inulin-type fructans on microbiota composition and SCFA, postprandial levels of GLP-1 and -2, glucose, insulin, and appetite hormones and subjective measures of appetite in subjects with type 2 diabetes. The results of the study was recently published in the European Journal of Nutrition: Prebiotic Effect of Inulin-Type Fructans on Faecal Microbiota and Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Controlled Trial
ReMicS Network Meeting May, 2020
The first digital ReMicS Network Meeting was launched May 26 on Zoom, and we would like to thank everyone that took the time to participate. Marius and Johannes presented the talk “The Mircobiome in the Age of Corona”. Johannes focused on how the gut microbiome is affected by Covid-19, on recent publications in the field, as well as potential obstacles researchers face when handling samples from Covid-19 patients. Marius gave us an introduction to the virology of Covid-19, the current status of the pandemic, as well as an overview of the WHO NOR-SOLIDARITY trial currently being carried out in Norway, where he is one of the Principal Investigators.
ReMicS Zoom Meeting May 26 at 14-15
We are excited to keep the network moving forward in spite of the current circumstances. In order to be as accommodating as possible, we will shift our events to digital meetings and propose to arrange a series of monthly presentations via Zoom.
The first meeting will be held Tuesday May 26 at 14.00-15.00, and the topic of the meeting will be “The Microbiome in the Age of Corona” (Marius and Johannes).
Please contact us at to register.

ReMicS Retreat 2022
We are planning a retreat for the ReMicS network at the beautiful Thorbjørnrud Hotel. The retreat will be a two-day event, and will be a great opportunity to meet and greet your fellow researchers in the microbiota field in Norway.
Updates will be posted shortly.
ReMicS Network Meeting
We are happy to invite you to the next ReMicS network meeting taking place February 27, 2020, in Blått Auditorium at Rikshospitalet. We will start with a light meal served at 14.00, and continue our meeting from 14.30-15.30.
As discussed at the network meeting held in October, we would like for all groups to be able to present their work in turn, perhaps two meetings per semester.
In this first meeting, the Genomics and Metagenomics Group at OUS will be responsible for the presentation with the topic “Metagenomic Experiences in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis» (Johannes Hov).